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Artistas premiados XXI Bienal Internacional de Arte de Cerveira 
Em ruínas, passado e futuro projetam-se a partir de intervenções em monumentos esquecidos através do tempo. Luz e sombras ampliam as marcas do esquecimento e abandono, trazendo à tona narrativas esquecidas, filtradas pelas camadas da memória e intensificadas pelo carmesim da indiferença.

Award-winning artists of the XXI Cerveira International Art Biennial \ Kyria Oliveira
In ruins, past and future are projected from interventions into monuments, which were forgotten through time. Light and shadows widen the marks of forgetfulness and abandonment, bringing up forgotten narratives, filtered through the layers of memory and intensified by the crimson of indifference.

Fundação Bienal de Cerveira:

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